The Board Evaluation When You Haven’t Done One For A While…

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Find out more about Board Effectiveness Review

Our client, a listed software company, needed to complete their annual board effectiveness review but had not been required to hold one in several years. The company had recently voluntarily adopted the UK Corporate Governance Code requirements as it aligned with their culture and aspirations to grow.

We were requested to carry out a desktop-effectiveness review. We developed a set of questionnaires for the board and its committees’ and aligning questions with their previous effectiveness review and action plan. Our results built on the previous review and provided a useful progress update.

We identified several actions that the board could review and address to enhance their performance further. We were asked to assist with the implementation of these as they did not have an appropriately qualified individual in their company.

The Chair and the CEO commended us on our sensitive approach and the way we got the full board actively engaged in the process and motivated to make change.

Take The Next Steps To Grow Your Organisation

Our 150+ years’ experience working in companies alongside very accomplished executives has taught us about culture, board dynamics and creative ways to navigate good business practices. We now support organisations to grow and flourish through appropriate and expected governance practices.

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