

a Beyond Governance business

Our interim support service is now known as CoSec-on-demand.  Our new offering allows you to get Company Secretaries who are experienced and ready to join your team instantly – for as long or as little as you need them.  They fall outside of IR35 so you don’t have to worry about payroll or factoring.  It is as easy as marking the timesheet.  Whether you need somebody for a few hours or somebody for a regular long term arrangement, we can help.  Some of our clients even add us to their risk register, so we can step in whenever they need at short notice. If you need extra help for specific projects or somebody to fill the gap whilst your new hire onboards – our team can help

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Our Payroll Headcount Team > Your Project

Do you need support on an upcoming project? Or perhaps you have an unexpected gap in your team that needs filling? Cosec-on-demand can help.

How it works

Whether it is support with 10 meetings a year, or a governance team to come in and provide an independent review of your governance on a project basis, we can help.

After an initial conversation with one of our team we will match you with one of our in-house experts with the relevant industry experience to walk-in and hit the ground running.

You don’t need to worry about payroll. You don’t worry about headcount. We take care of all of that hassle, and send you one invoice once the project is completed.

Even though some of our team are lawyers, we won’t charge you like a law firm. No extravagant hourly rates, just a final figure for the completion of the project.

Tell us when you need somebody on-site, and our team member(s) will be there ready to start. They are all experienced governance professionals, so no need to onboard, no need for a ramp-up time. They know what to do. They have done it before for their entire career. They walk-in and are able to hit the ground running.

You don’t need to worry about headcount or payroll. Our team falls OUTSIDE of IR35.

Use Cases

  • Emergency cover
  • Maternity/paternity/medical leave
  • Interim cover – whilst a new starter joins – to cover any gaps from notice periods to start dates
  • Project work
    • Governance frameworks
    • Entity management, software audits and rectification
    • Subsidiary / entity rationalisation
    • ESG reports
    • Corporate reporting
    • Bespoke projects
    • Transactions – listings, mergers and acquisitions
  • Business contingency planning including risk registers 
  • 3/5/10/50 meetings a year

A couple of examples:

A leading British charity and a household name had a bespoke project that they needed support with.  They needed a governance framework created, and our team was happy to oblige. We created an entire framework for them, including organisational charts, policies and the overarching frameworks.

On completion of the project, our work was reviewed by a McKinsey audit, and the results were all green.

Another example is when Intervel group approached us, they needed support for a few hours to help cover a meeting.  Our team, attended the meeting, did the work and finished.  No need to spend time ramping up, or onboarding.  We came, we carried out the project and left.

The team

Our team are all experienced governance professionals.  They are full time members of our team, with a combined 175+ years of experience in Governance and Secretariat teams.  They have worked across businesses of different size, from FTSE listed to multi-national as well as different industries, from financial services and insurance to manufacturing.

They have spent their entire careers in governance roles, and can translate that experience to your project.

Our payroll

Our team support you outside of IR35.  They are not part of your headcount or your payroll.  We manage that, they just plug and play into your existing team.

We don’t take a percentage fee – this is not a recruitment proposition.  Our team work on a project-by-project basis, and our fees are project based.

We do not charge on a hourly rate like a law firm, we charge to get the job done.  Ask for a quote, or talk to a member of our team, you will be surprised how reasonable our fees are.

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