
Building an agile work environment

How do you provide oversight while not being in a business full time?

Five months in and a generation of business leaders have experienced new levels of career highs and lows. The most successful leaders have tapped into their resilience and creativity reserves
like never before adjusting their strategy so that business health is ready for the changing external environment.

As another level of lockdown easing came into force at the weekend it has brought into sharp focus the need to return to the new normal. Leaders now need to consider the economics and logistics of continued remote working and for furloughed employees, whether they will be required to return.

Clear communication and tone of voice will be key to delivering the right message and building trust. Many employees will be nervous about returning to the office and some untrusting of leadership as they see colleagues made redundant.

Balancing the needs of the business and the desires of its leaders with employee sentiment and retention is always going to be a tough choice. Companies that decide some form of continued working from home will become part of standard working arrangements have several actions to take. Delivering the ‘return to the office’ message, building new processes and frameworks around the working from home environment and incentivising your employees to stay and also behave in an appropriate manner when in the office and at home.

At Beyond Governance we believe in bringing clarity to business and have created two packages that will enable you to feel confident that all key areas are covered.

Our ‘Remote Working package’ includes:

  • 3 x Virtual consultation calls on remote working:
    • Discuss your plans and its challenges and mitigation;
    • Methods for supporting employees; and
    • Embedding your ‘new normal’ including tips and tools.
  • 6 x Bespoke legal/HR policies required for you to manage remote working effectively.

Our ‘Employee Retention package’ includes:

  • 3 x Virtual consultation calls on employee retention:
    • Discuss your existing reward package’s challenges and mitigation;
    • Establish the best reward packages for you; and
    • Delivering the right message at the right time.
  • A copy of ‘A Directors Guide to Navigating Redundancies’ (PDF)

Call 020 3745 1916 now to protect your business and your assets!

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