Do you run a charity?

Do you often find yourself responding to situations rather than proactively taking the lead?

The answer is governance.  Governance will give you visibility on the areas you can’t see.


Are you team working in silos?

Do you understand their responsibilities? More importantly, do they?

How are you prioritising your resources? Are you taking an appropriate amount of risk? How do you know?

Your governance, and how good it is will help you determine those answers and give you a clear direction to pilot your organisation.

What is your ROI on looking at your governance?  The real question is, what is the risk of not having governance in place?  You know it doesn’t always go wrong, but when it does, it really does!

Think of your governance framework as your insurance premium, you don’t invest in one, thinking you will claim.  You invest in one to mitigate risk, and that is the same with your governance.

The stakes are even higher with charities.  You are in the public domain, and every mistake will be scrutinised.


Are you risk enabled?

You need to be properly risk enabled.  It allows you visibility across your entire charity.  It allows you to make informed decisions, and gives you a ruleset from which your charity operates.  It allows your entire organisation to be proactive and pull in the same direction.

Would your charity benefit from?

  • Knowing how all the frameworks sit together?
  • Ensuring you are risk enabled? Would it help you make informed decisions if you knew what risk you were carrying and how you were managing it?
  • Clearly defined roles and responsibilities around your risk capabilities?
  • A clear Risk Appetite Statement? – Would a clearly defined RAS help you set up in the right way? Would it guide you in making informed and proportionate decisions?
  • A board assurance framework?
  • A decision-making framework? Would your charity benefit from knowing who is doing what, and what part they play in making decisions?  Without this framework, you know you either get gridlock or confusion.

We can help your charity with:

  • Board reports
  • Risk registers
  • Board assurance frameworks
  • Risk appetite Statements
  • Forward planning agendas
  • Auditing risk committees (what to cover with them, defining their role and duties
  • How board committees interact with the executive teams (auditing risk committees, finance and resources committee, nominations committee)
    • How do you communicate with them?
    • What are their roles and responsibilities?

Recently we helped a famous cancer charity, a household name with a 6month project.  We worked with them to implement an entire governance framework – which passed a PWC audit with “all green”.

We are also currently working with another household charity on a short-term basis, for 3 days to help with their Risk Appetite Statements

We can provide help on a short-term basis (a few hours / days) all the way up to a project specific need.

Our team have over 175+ years combined experience, and we have numerous UK based charities as our clients.  There is no need to onboard or train, no long notice periods – our team can come straight in, and help. 

They are our team, and on our payroll. So outside of IR35.

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