
The Time When You First Look To Hire A Governance Professional Or Company Secretary….

Find out more about Interim Cosec Support

Our client, a specialty insurer and investment company, wanted at single engagement minute taking for their upcoming board and committee meetings at short notice.

We were required to attend an in-person an Audit and Risk Committee meeting in London followed by a Board meeting held on the same day and provide minute taking support. We were provided with the board and committee papers and attended on the day to minute the meetings.

Our client, the Director of Risk and Compliance, commented that the quality of our minutes was excellent and that our style of minute writing perfectly aligned with their style from previous meetings. Our client was particularly impressed by our professional and efficient approach.

Take The Next Steps To Grow Your Organisation

Our 150+ years’ experience working in companies alongside very accomplished executives has taught us about culture, board dynamics and creative ways to navigate good business practices. We now support organisations to grow and flourish through appropriate and expected governance practices.

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