CoSec Christmas Drinks

As part of the DMJ Top 100 too, it is always nice to be recognised as an innovator and top of your peer group, but few understand the hard work, dedication and constant thought required.

As the year comes to an end, and the final board meetings are within sight, we thought it would be nice if we all got together to blow off some steam.

Being a CoSec is a lonely job, and the industry is shrinking (with GC’s now trying to take over), so we thought it would be nice for us to all come together.  No sales pitches, no presentations, no hidden agenda – just a drink amongst peers to celebrate our successes and a chance to have a moan with friends who know what you have been through.

The drinks are on us.

Just fill out the form below to let us know you are coming, and we will make sure there is enough beer and wine behind the bar!

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